Do not vaccinate if the patient has acute febrile illness.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has acute gastroenteritis.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had an adverse reaction to a vaccine component.
Administer to persons who have alcoholism.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has a history of egg allergy.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has an allergy to latex.
Administer to persons with anatomic or functional asplenia, including sickle cell disease.Do not vaccinate if the patient has anatomical or functional asplenia.
Administer to animal handlers.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has taken antimicrobial or antimalarial medications within the previous 72 hours.
Administer to persons who have asthma.Do not vaccinate if the patient has asthma.
Administer to persons who have less severe B-lymphocyte [humoral] - antibody deficiencies [e.g., selective IgA deficiency and IgG subclass deficiency].Do not vaccinate if the patient has less severe B-lymphocyte [humoral] - antibody deficiencies [e.g., selective IgA deficiency and IgG subclass deficiency].
Administer to persons who have severe B-lymphocyte [humoral] - antibody deficiencies [e.g., X-linked agammaglobulinemia and common variable immunodeficiency].Do not vaccinate if the patient has severe B-lymphocyte [humoral] - antibody deficiencies [e.g., X-linked agammaglobulinemia and common variable immunodeficiency].
Do not vaccinate if the patient is breastfeeding.
Administer to persons who have cerebrospinal fluid leaks.
Do not vaccinate if the patient is undergoing chemotherapy, including 14 days before the start of therapy and 3 months after the completion of therapy.
Administer to persons who have chronic heart disease.
Administer to persons who have chronic liver disease.
Administer to persons who have chronic lung disease.
Administer to persons with chronic renal disease.Do not vaccinate if the patient has chronic renal disease.
Administer to persons with chronic renal failure.Do not vaccinate if the patient has chronic renal failure.
Administer to persons who are a client of institution for persons with developmental disabilities.
Administer to persons who will have close contact with an international adoptee during the first 60 days.
Administer to persons who have cochlear implants.
Administer to college students living in residence halls.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has received Cytomegalovirus IGIV in the previous 6 months.
Administer to persons who have diabetes.
Administer to hemodialysis patients and predialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and home dialysis patients
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had encephalopathy not attributable to another identifiable cause within 7 days of administration of a previous dose of Tdap, DTP, or DTaP vaccine.
Administer to persons who have end stage renal disease.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has a family history of altered immunocompetence
Administer to persons who frequently travel to JE-endemic areas.
Administer to persons who have generalized malignant neoplasm.Do not vaccinate if the patient has generalized malignant neoplasm.
Administer to healthcare personnel without evidence of immunity.
Administer to health-care workers who have close contact with patients who might be excreting wild polioviruses.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had Hepatitis A IG administered in the previous 3 months.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had Hepatitis B IG administered in the previous 3 months.
Administer to persons with a hepatitis C virus infection.
Administer to persons who have a history of sexual abuse or assault.
Administer to persons who have HIV/AIDS and are not severely immunocompromised [See the CDC general recommendations for a definition of "severely immunocompromised"].
Administer to persons who have HIV/AIDS and are severely immunocompromised [See the CDC general recommendations for a definition of "severely immunocompromised"].Do not vaccinate if the patient has HIV/AIDS and is severely immunocompromised [See the CDC general recommendations for a definition of "severely immunocompromised"].
Administer to persons with Hodgkin's disease.
Administer to persons who are experiencing homelessness.
Administer to persons who are household and close contacts of immunocompromised persons.
Administer to persons who have household contact with hepatitis B surface antigen-positive persons.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has a hypersensitivity to alum.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has a hypersensitivity to the preservative 2-phenoxyethanol.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has a hypersensitivity to yeast.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has received IGIV [Immune thrombocytopenic purpura treatment [400 mg/kg IV]] in the previous 8 months.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has received IGIV [Immune thrombocytopenic purpura treatment [1000 mg/kg IV]] in the previous 10 months.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has received IGIV [Kawasaki disease] in the previous 11 months.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has received IGIV [Postexposure varicella prophylaxis] in the previous 8 months.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has received IGIV [Replacement therapy for immune deficiencies] in the previous 8 months.
Administer to persons who use illicit drugs.
Administer to persons who use illicit injection drugs.
Do not vaccinate if the patient is immunocompromised.
Administer to persons who are undergoing immunosuppressive therapy. Immunosuppressive medications include those given to prevent solid organ transplant rejection, human immune mediators like interleukins and colony-stimulating factors, immune modulators like levamisol and BCG bladder-tumor therapy, and medicines like tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitors and anti-B cell antibodies. Do not vaccinate if the patient is undergoing immunosuppressive therapy. Immunosuppressive medications include those given to prevent solid organ transplant rejection, human immune mediators like interleukins and colony-stimulating factors, immune modulators like levamisol and BCG bladder-tumor therapy, and medicines like tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitors and anti-B cell antibodies.
Administer to persons who are in a correctional facility.
Administer to persons who are in a drug abuse treatment and prevention facility.
Administer to persons with plans for international travel with possible contact with animals in areas where rabies is enzootic and immediate access to appropriate medical care might be limited.
Administer to persons who have intimate exposure to a documented S. typhi carrier.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has intussusception.
Administer to laboratory personnel who might be exposed to virulent YFV or to concentrated preparations of YF vaccine virus strains by direct or indirect contact or by aerosols.
Administer to laboratory workers who handle specimens that might contain polioviruses.
Administer to persons with leukemia.
Administer to persons who plan for longer-term (e.g., 1 month or more) travel to JE-endemic areas.
Administer to persons with lymphoma.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had Measles IG at an immunocompromised dose [0.5 mL/kg] administered in the previous 6 months.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had Measles IG at a standard dose [0.25 mL/kg] administered in the previous 5 months.
Administer to men who have sex with men.
Administer to microbiologists routinely exposed to isolates of Neisseria meningitidis.
Administer to persons who are microbiology laboratorians who work frequently with S. typhi.
Administer to military recruits.
Administer to persons who plan to move to JE-endemic countries to take up residence.
Administer to persons with multiple myeloma.
Administer to persons who are serologically negative for varicella.
Administer to persons with nephrotic syndrome.
Administer to persons not in a long-term, mutually monogamous relationship.
Administer to persons who have an occupational exposure for Hepatitis A
Do not vaccinate if the patient has received a blood transfusion of packed RBCs in the previous 6 months.
Administer to persons seeking protection from Hepatitis A.
Administer to persons seeking protection from Hepatitis B.
Administer to persons seeking protection from Meningococcal B.
Administer to persons seeking protection.
Administer to persons who have persistent complement component deficiencies, including inherited or chronic deficiencies in C3, C5-9, properdin, factor D, factor H, or who are taking eculizumab [Soliris].
Administer to persons identified as at increased risk during a community outbreak attributable to a vaccine serogroup.
Administer to persons whose activities bring them into frequent contact with rabies virus or potentially rabid animals.
Administer to persons with perinatal HIV infection who do not have evidence of severe immunosuppression and who were vaccinated with MMR before establishment of antiviral therapy [ART].
Administer to persons who have chronic granulomatous disease.Do not vaccinate if the patient has phagocytic function - chronic granulomatous disease.
Administer to persons who have a phagocytic function defect [e.g. leukocyte adhesion defect and myeloperoxidase deficiency].Do not vaccinate if the patient has a phagocytic function defect [e.g. leukocyte adhesion defect and myeloperoxidase deficiency].
Do not vaccinate if the patient has received a blood transfusion of plasma or platelet product in the previous 7 months.
Administer to persons who are students in a postsecondary educational institution.
Administer to women who are pregnant.Do not vaccinate if the patient is pregnant.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has progressive neurologic disorder until a treatment regimen has been
established and the condition has stabilized.
Administer to public safety workers exposed to blood or infection body fluids
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had Rabies IG administered in the previous 4 months.
Administer to Rabies researchers.
Administer to persons who are undergoing radiation therapy.Do not vaccinate if the patient is undergoing radiation therapy.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has received a blood transfusion of adenine-saline added RBCs in the previous 3 months.
Administer to persons who received inactivated or unknown measles vaccine between 1963-1967.
Administer to persons who received killed or unknown Mumps vaccine before 1979.
Administer to persons who receive clotting factor concentrates.
Administer to persons who receive treatment for STD.
Do not vaccinate if the patient is receiving long-term aspirin therapy.
Administer to recipients of a hematopoietic stem cell transplant [HSCT] 6 to 12 months after a successful transplant, regardless of vaccination history.
Administer to residents of an area at risk for exposure to the disease.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of cholera vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Diphtheria vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Hepatitis A vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Hepatitis B vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Hib vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of HPV vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Influenza vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Japanese Encephalitis vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of live zoster vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Measles vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Meningococcal vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Meningococcal B vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Mumps vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Pertussis vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Pneumococcal vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Polio vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Rabies vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of recombinant zoster vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Rotavirus vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Rubella vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Tetanus vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Typhoid vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Varicella vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of Yellow Fever vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction to arginine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction to chicken protein.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction to diphtheria toxoid.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction to gelatin.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction to gentamicin.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction to neomycin.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction to polymyxin B.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction to protamine sulfate.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction to streptomycin.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had a severe allergic reaction to tetanus toxoid.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has Severe Combined Immunodeficiency [SCID].
Administer to persons who are a sex partner of a Hepatitis B surface antigen-positive person.
Administer to persons who smoke cigarettes.
Administer to staff of institution for persons with developmental disabilities
Administer to persons who have complete cell-mediated or humoral T-lymphocyte defects [e.g., severe combined immunodeficiency [SCID] disease, complete DiGeorge syndrome].Do not vaccinate if the patient has complete cell-mediated or humoral T-lymphocyte defects [e.g., severe combined immunodeficiency [SCID] disease, complete DiGeorge syndrome].
Administer to persons who have T-lymphocyte [cell-mediated and humoral] - interferon-gamma or interferon-alpha.Do not vaccinate if the patient has cell-mediated or humoral T-lymphocyte defects related to interferon-gamma or interferon-alpha
Administer to persons who have T-lymphocyte [cell-mediated and humoral] - interferon-gamma or interferon-alpha.Do not vaccinate with live attenuated typhoid virus [Ty21a] if the patient has T-lymphocyte [cell-mediated and humoral] - interferon-gamma/Interleukin 12 axis deficiencies.
Administer to persons who have partial cell-mediated or humoral T-lymphocyte defects [e.g., most patients with DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, ataxia- telangiectasia].Do not vaccinate if the patient has partial cell-mediated or humoral T-lymphocyte defects [e.g., most patients with DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, ataxia- telangiectasia].
Do not vaccinate if the patient has taken influenza antiviral medications within the previous 48 hours.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had Tetanus IG administered in the previous 3 months.
Administer to transgender persons.
Administer to persons who have received a transplant.Do not vaccinate if the patient received a transplant.
Administer to adult travelers (aged 18-64 years) from the United States traveling to an area of active cholera transmission.
Administer to persons who travel to areas at risk for Yellow Fever transmission.
Administer to persons who travel to areas in which there is a recognized risk of exposure to S. typhi.
Administer to travelers to areas or countries where polio is epidemic or endemic.
Administered to persons who travel to countries with high or intermediate prevalence of chronic HBV infection.
Administer to persons who travel to a country with a Yellow Fever vaccination entry requirement.
Administer to persons who travel to or are residents of countries in which meningococcal disease is hyperendemic or epidemic.
Administer to persons traveling to or working in countries that have high or intermediate endemicity of Hepatitis A.
Administer to persons who will be travelling internationally.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has active untreated tuberculosis.
Administer to persons who are undergoing elective splenectomy if they have not previously received the vaccine.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has had Varicella IG administered in the previous 5 months.
Administer to veterinarians and their staff.
Do not vaccinate if the patient has received a whole blood transfusion in the previous 6 months.
Administer to persons who work with Hepatitis A virus in a research setting.